Re-posted from 9-30-2012
Information submitted by Steve Vaughn, Executive Vice President IAL #130
Below are web-sites that provide information on Veterans benefits and how to file and ask for them. Accordingly, there are many sites that explain how to obtain books, military/medical records, information and how to appeal a denied claim with the VA. Please pass this information on to every Veteran you know. Nearly 100% of this information is free and available for all veterans, the only catch is: you have to ask for it, because they won't tell you about a specific benefit unless you ask for it. You need to know what questions to ask so the right doors open for you and then be ready to have an advocate who is willing to work with and for you, stay in the process, and press for your rights and your best interests.
Board of Veteran's Appeals
CARES Commission
CARES Draft National Plan
Center for Minority Veterans
Center for Veterans Enterprise
Center for Women Veterans
Clarification on the changes in VA healthcare for Gulf War Veterans
Classified Records - American Gulf War Veterans Assoc
Compensation for Disabilities Associated with the Gulf War Service
Compensation Rate Tables, 12-1-03
Department of Veterans Affairs Home Page
Directory of Veterans Service Organizations
Disability Examination Worksheets Index, Comp
Due Process
Duty to Assist
Electronic Code of Federal Regulations
Emergency, Non-emergency, and Fee Basis Care
Environmental Agents
Environmental Agents M10
Establishing Combat Veteran Eligibility
Evaluation Protocol for Gulf War and Iraqi Freedom Vets with Potential Exposure to Depleted Uranium (DU)
See also, Depleted Uranium Fact Sheet
Evaluation Protocol for Non-Gulf War Veterans with Potential Exposure to Depleted Uranium (DU)
Fee Basis, Priority for Outpatient Medical Services and Inpatient Hospital Care
Federal Benefits for Veterans and Dependents 2005
Current Benefits
Forms and Records Request
General Compensation Provisions
Geriatrics and Extended Care
Guideline for Chronic Pain and Fatigue MUS-CPG
Guide to Gulf War Veteran's Health
Gulf War Subject Index
Gulf War Veteran's Illnesses Q&As
Homeless Veterans
HSR&D Home
Index to Disability Examination Worksheets C&P exams
Ionizing Radiation
Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom Veterans VBA
M 10 for spouses and children <
M10 Part III Change 1
M21-1 Table of Contents
Mental Disorders, Schedule of Ratings
Mental Health Program Guidelines
Mental Illness Research, Education and Clinical Centers
MS (Multiple Sclerosis) Centers of Excellence
My Health e Vet
National Association of State Directors
National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Neurological Conditions and Convulsive Disorders, Schedule of Ratings
Online VA Form 10-10EZ
Parkinson's Disease and Related Neurodegenerative Disorders
Peacetime Disability Compensation
Pension for Non-Service-Connected Disability or Death
Persian Gulf Registry
This program is now referred to as Gulf War Registry Program (to include Operation Iraqi Freedom) as of March 7, 2005:
Persian Gulf Registry Referral Centers
Persian Gulf Veterans' Illnesses Research 1999, Annual Report To Congress
Persian Gulf Veterans' Illnesses Research 2002, Annual Report To Congress
Phase I PGR
Phase II PGR
Policy Manual Index
Power of Attorney
Project 112 (Including Project SHAD)
Prosthetics Eligibility
Public Health and Environmental Hazards Home Page
Public Health/SARS
Publications Manuals
Publications and Reports
Records Center and Vault Homepage
Records Center and Vault Site Map
Request and Consent to Release of Information from Claimant’s Records
Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses April 11, 2002
Research Advisory Committee on Gulf War Veterans’ Illnesses
Research and Development
Survivor's and Dependents' Educational Assistance
Title 38 Index Parts 0-18
Title 38 Part 3 Adjudication Subpart A "Pension, Compensation, and Dependency and Indemnity Compensation
Title 38 Pensions, Bonuses & Veterans Relief (Compensation for certain disabilities due to undiagnosed illnesses found here)
Title 38 Part 4—Schedule for Rating Disabilities Subpart B—Disability Ratings
Title 38§ 4.16 Total disability ratings for compensation based on unemployability of the individual.
U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims
VA Best Practice Manual for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
VA Fact Sheet
VA Health Care Eligibility
VA Instituting Global Assessment of Function (GAF)
VA Life Insurance Handbook
Lending Limits and Jumbo Loans
VA MS Research
VA National Hepatitis C Program
VA Office of Research and Development
VA Trainee Pocket Card on Gulf War
VAOIG Hotline Telephone Number and Address
Vet Center Eligibility - Readjustment Counseling Service
Veterans Benefits Administration Main Web Page
Veterans Legal and Benefits Information
VHA Forms, Publications, Manuals
VHA Programs - Clinical Programs & Initiatives
VHA Public Health Strategic Health Care Group Home Page
VHI Guide to Gulf War Veterans Health
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation Subsistence
VONAPP online
WARMS - 38 CFR Book C
Wartime Disability Compensation
Gary Kloepfer, Assistant Director Maintenance Division
American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO